Welcome to the




Ready to embark on a life-changing adventure?

Join us for three months in the stunning paradise of Hawaii. Here, we embrace the spirit of the islands and the teachings of Jesus, creating a space where you can grow amidst the challenges of today's world.

Fall 2024 Session

Fall 2024 Key Dates:

Sep. 16 – Dec. 17 , 2024

Fly into Kaua'i Sep. 16 or 17

Orientation Sep 18

Fly to California Dec 5

Fly home Dec 17

Applications are open!

Spring 2025 Dates

Jan. 13 – Apr. 16, 2025

Fly into Kaua’i Jan. 13 or 14

Orientation Jan. 15

Fly to California Apr. 3

Fly Home Apr. 16


Deep within the history of the Jesus journey lies the apprenticeship model. The way of Jesus is for the older, wiser, and more experienced to empower the next generation of leaders. Following this model, we will bring in some of our friends who will spend time with you. Each day will start with conversations around coffee and the scriptures, exploring topics like calling, meaning, identity, relationships, sexuality, and vocation. In the evenings, there will be dedicated times to hang out with the mentors.

  • John Mark Comer (New York Times best selling author) wrote recently:

    “While apathy is a perennial problem for the church, a far greater problem (if you’re working with Gen Z, Millennials or anyone in an urban/metropolitan context) is anxiety. A terrible conspiracy of social factors – the iPhone, Wi-Fi, urbanization, hurry, workaholism, noise pollution, secularization, political polarization and more have created an emotional atmosphere where fear, mental illness and digital distraction are ubiquitous.”

    With this residency, we want to spend time every morning wrestling around the scriptures and questions that matter:

    Finding Emotional Health

    Am I good enough?

    How do I deal with anxiety, guilt, and shame?

    Are there tools to help with my struggles?

    If God is my Father, how can I be His son or daughter?

    Is there healing for my brokenness?

    Creating Spiritual Life

    Does God still speak today?

    Can you teach me how to pray?

    Can I trust the Bible?

    How can I read it so it comes alive?

    Do I really need to “go to church”?

    Forging Life Practices

    Is there a call from God on my life?

    I want my life to matter.

    How can I build friendships?

    Can we discuss racial equality, climate change, and sexuality?

    Can a life of faith truly be an adventure in the world out there?


Community creates an ecosystem of belonging. Spending three months together with 19 others is compelling, and will instill habits that can lead to a lifetime of growth.

Jesus invited his disciples into a community. These 12 young men forged the first Jesus community, an intimate space to thrive. We arrive honest, real, and transparent, allowing the community to guide us from brokenness to wholeness, from anxiety to contentment, and from fear to faith. This community offers a healing space over these three months.


Jesus said he did not "come to be served but to serve." This is a trait of all good leaders. Imagine channeling your energy, passion and the togetherness of the Residency community to help, serve and care. Besides the fun that is part of the community, serving others through diligent work is one of the cornerstones of the Residency, and takes up 3 days out of each week after the morning mentorship sessions.

Ways We Serve


Luke the doctor begins his account of Jesus by writing, “This is an account of all that Jesus did and taught.” Reading the scriptures as stories, one is struck by the sense of adventure—from walking with God in the garden and naming the animals, to Abraham's mobile journey, Moses' compelling leadership, Deborah's courage, and the great stories of the New Testament with Peter, Philip, Paul, Phoebe, and Stephen, the first martyr. Christianity is an action word; it is what we do.

You will explore the island through hiking, camping, surfing, and just having fun. But the underlying purpose is more than fun; it is to prepare you for the adventure of life. When you leave this stunning island, we want you to feel equipped for all that life will throw at you, stirred, empowered, and focused on a future for which we want to prepare you.

Beyond Kauai

A Week in California

At the end of your time in Kauai, and part of the Residency, you will spend a week with the Genesis Collective in Southern California. There you can fully immerse yourself in that community and learn more about their exciting mission, bringing the potential for more adventure in your future. Like your time in Kauai, your accommodation and meals in California are included in your fees.

What People Are Saying

  • Kenny

    The Hawaii Leadership Residency has given me the opportunity to find genuine deep-rooted joy, the likeminded community I always needed, and discipline in areas I craved it the most. I can confidently say my life has been changed for the better.

  • Mia

    Discovering your own faith is absolutely critical as a young adult, and this program helped me do just that! Learning to grow as an individual with such incredible community created deep roots in the Lord and full trust in him. I couldn’t ask for better lifelong friendships! I can truly say this program changed my life and I am better for it.

  • Tanner

    Prior to my residency sessions, I was in a really dark place. During my time at the Hawaii Leadership Residency, I have made friendships that I never would’ve had the chance to make, and I have grown in my faith in ways I never expected. After being re-baptized during my first session, I was able to come back as a small group leader. The lord has grown me in many ways and I continue to see God working every single day.

  • Audry

    This program has grown me in countless ways. From community to spiritual growth- I can genuinely say without the residency I wouldn’t be where I am today.


  • Epic Adventures

    Feel the thrill of surfing, hiking and exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Kaua’i, Hawaii. You will have incredible experiences surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation.

    True Community

    Ditch the digital and embrace real connections. Live and bond with 19 other residents, building life-long friendships and creating unforgettable memories together.

    Spiritual Growth

    Dive deep into meaningful discussions around the scriptures, whether it's around the fire or in the kitchen. Get rooted in the word and your relationship with the Lord by creating new disciplines in your life, and by living life with like-minded, invested believers.

    Hands-On Experience

    Get ready to sweat! From harvesting fruit and clearing the jungle to baking sourdough bread and making jams, you’ll learn valuable skills while serving the community around you. You will learn the value of working hard for the benefit of others.

    Giving Back

    Makanalani was created to support and show love to island children. Your indirect work and service behind the scenes will make a direct impact on the lives of the children who come to stay at Makanalani.

  • We have 3 sessions throughout the year, each session is about 12 weeks long. Residents may apply to stay for multiple sessions.

  • Residents should come prepared to spend time in the Bible, participate in scripture-based discussions, work hard for the benefit of others, and make the most of their free time exploring and adventuring around the island.

  • Residents will live in the community at Alohalani House, a fully-furnished, two-story home located on about 5 acres on the north shore of Kaua’i. Residents are provided 3 meals per day, and participate in cooking dinners with and for one another.

    Food and housing will also be provided during your Week in California with the Genesis Collective.

  • Laundry supplies
    Surfboards/Boogie Boards Guitar/Ukulele/Keyboard

  • Residents are responsible for their flights to Kaua’i to begin the session, then to California for the Week in California, and home from there. Specific dates for travel will be sent in the welcome packet we send to all new residents.

  • The residency provides vehicles for exploring the island. Residents are allowed to use the vehicles in their off-time, and will be charged a mileage fee for personal miles accrued.

  • Yes! Residents have free time Sunday afternoon through Monday night and several evenings throughout the week.

  • You will need to be at least 18 years old when your residency begins. The average age of interns is around 20 years old, ranging from 18 to 24.

  • The cost of the residency is $2,500, which includes all essential expenses for housing and meals, but does not cover travel expenses.

  • Fill out THIS FORM to submit an application. An application fee of $35 is due at the time of submission. After submission, we will be in contact within two weeks on next steps for your application.

Ready to dive in?

Join us for an unforgettable journey where faith, adventure, and community come together in the heart of Hawaii.

Apply today

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